We are the people of G'Chimnissing in southern Georgian Bay

Beausoleil First Nation rests in the southern tip of Georgian Bay on Christian, Beckwith and Hope Islands.
These magnificent islands are home to many.

Much history can be found on the islands. More recently with the Forked Three-awned Grass. This species of grass is nicknamed "Ice Age Grass" found throughout Christian Island and is currently on the Species at Risk list.

Important Notice

Seeley and Arnill will be undertaking a double surface treatment application on various roads starting Tuesday, July 30th. The hours will be from 7 am to 7 pm and the work is expected to be complete by Friday, August 9th. These dates are weather dependent.

Work will begin on the west end of the island and will progress east towards O'Gemaa.

Part of the process includes using a thick tarry subst ance known as tack coat, DO NOT drive on this substance as it will coat your vehicle and is hard to remove.

The final surface treatment can be driven on once the paving roller has finished.

During the process, there may be temporary traffic disruptions, including limited access to driveways and parking areas. Expect delays, and in some cases, detours may be necessary.

Please follow the direct ions of the traffic control st aff that will be onsite. We appreciate your patience as we complete these improvements.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Rocky Major at 705-441-3721.

Camping on Beausoleil First Nation Territory

Beckwith Island inquiries:


West Beach inquiries:


Community News and Events

What's happening in and around Chimnissing?

Employment Opportunities - Updated July 25, 2024

Renovation Tender - Added July 16, 2024

BFN Grants of Entitlement and Certificates of Possession (Evidence of Title) Land Law

Public Notice - May 16, 2024

Lands Acquisition Policy Moratorium Notice - Updated April 1, 2022